Archives for posts with tag: portraits

Gio Ponti … drawing, designing, thinking, solving … (1891-1979)

Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson 

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe pauses in a pub while in London to receive the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, 1959. Photograp Monica Pidgeon

Mies in NYC.


“Let us take the day off, Irving is running the office just fine, I left him a box of marshmallows.” George Nelson in his Jaguar XK 120.

George Nelson and Irving Harper. From House & Garden, 1965. source: Wary Meyers

Charles Eames and George Nelson in conversation in 1959.

Walter Gropius & Xanti Schawinsky, Ascona, 1930

Lucia Moholy, Portrait Walter Gropius, “sitzend, profil”, 1927

Walter Gropius, © Burt Glinn